Hans HEYSEN | Man loading cart drawn by two horses

Germany 1877 – Australia 1968
Australia from 1884; Europe, England 1899-1903

Man loading cart drawn by two horses c.1918
sepia wash on paper
20.3 (h) x 15.9 (w) cm
Bequest of the Artist, 1971, Art Gallery of South Australia


‘The Ploughing pictures … were in a sense a new departure in introducing the human element—although the main theme still remains “Light” … I came across them at ‘the moment’—when the animals were still sweating and steaming from their graft—and I had to work hard to get my impression of the form and general construction before the truth of the moment vanished’.[1]


[1] Hans Heysen to Lionel Lindsay 1918, quoted in Thiele, p 183