Exhibition book



Hans Heysen

Rebecca Andrews

Hans Heysen (1877–1968) was one of those rare artists who changed the way we view the landscape of this country. Through his atmospheric renderings of eucalypts in the Adelaide Hills, he created an image of the gum tree that has become firmly imprinted in the Australian imagination.

Heysen has long enjoyed a reputation as South Australia’s, and indeed one of Australia’s, most popular and renowned landscape painters. Since the 1960s and 70s, his work has been reassessed and he has found new admirers. This publication, associated with a travelling retrospective exhibition of Heysen’s work, coincides with the fortieth anniversary of the artist’s death, and provides an opportunity for a new generation to experience Heysen’s remarkable and expansive oeuvre.



144 pp
ISBN 9780730830313 (pbk)
Published by the Art Gallery of South Australia, 2008


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