DETAIL : George LAMBERT  Russia 1873 � Australia 1930  'Chesham Street' [Chesney Street; The Doctor; Harley Street] 1910  oil on canvas National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, purchased in 1993 DETAIL : George LAMBERT  Russia 1873 � Australia 1930  'The convex mirror' c.1916  oil with pencil on wood panel private collection
George LAMBERT | A Light Horse officer at the 14th Australian General Hospital, Abbassia

Russia 1873 – Australia 1930
Australia 1887-1900; England 1900-01; France 1901-02; England 1902-21; Australia from 1921
A Light Horse officer at the 14th Australian General Hospital, Abbassia May 1919
16.6 (h) x 25.2 (w) cm
BY G.W.LAMBERT, MAY 1919' lower left
Australian War Memorial, Canberra, acquired under the official war art scheme in 1921
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Lambert drew this remarkable pencil study of an unidentified Light Horse officer while he was a patient at the 14th Australian General Hospital in Abbassia. He emphasised the subject’s features with pencil outline and then built up his face with shading. He captured an image of a man physically at repose, but also seeming to be in a state of calm and at peace with himself.

In depicting this head in an unusual fashion – lying down – Lambert gave it an added interest. By showing the officer in close focus he created a sense of intimacy, looking at him with a greater intensity than we might usually experience with a stranger. As in so many of his oil portraits Lambert used his pencil not only to capture the structure of the face, but also to evoke the pulsating sense of life under the skin.

Lambert’s inscription ‘PENCIL PORTRAIT of L.H. Officer’ in formal capitals signifies that this is more than a sketch; it is a formal portrait, like those he made in pencil of society ladies and gentlemen in London.

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