The white hair is for women’s wisdom
Which blows in the wind
It also wraps around her heart and her womb
Sacred women in our family who look after our sacred sites like you
Our bodies are like trees I’ve been told by my aunty/mum in my family
Our bodies are our trunks
Our arms are our limbs
So that meant to me by my cultural teachings
I thought about our bodies and
How the rings of a tree tells its age
Like a baby growing in the womb
Out of her mouth is the tune of birds
Of which I can’t put sounds
Just bird tracks leading out into the sky
Out of her fingers flow the river
Which she made from her yam stick
Which is there in the work
I made it with my aunty
There is a lot more to say, I just wanted to let you know that this is an important work to me and I’ve listened so much to you, my mum
So in this work is you
And its us and our family
Treahna Hamm, 2007