Lloyd Rees

In 1976 the 81-year-old Lloyd Rees commenced his first portfolio

of prints, Memories of Europe. David Rankin and Max Miller, who had just established Port Jackson Press, gave Rees some etching plates prepared with a soft-ground technique. Rees approached the etching plate as he would a sheet of paper, drawing on the plate with assurance. The technical problems of printing were left to the printer, Max Miller.

This portfolio was followed the next year by Australian Landscape, inspired by sketches made on recent excursions. Memories of Europe had been based on Rees's romantic recollections of much earlier journeys.

Although the Australian Landscape prints are larger than those in the first portfolio, they retain a directness and intimacy. Rees sought out the varied landscapes of Tasmania, New South Wales and Central Australia, making a veritable catalogue of their physical features - mountains, cliff faces, rocks and valleys are rendered with the precision of a master draughtsman.

In 1980, after much persuasion from Rankin, Rees agreed to try lithography. With the assistance of the printer Fred Genis, Rees undertook The Caloola Suite. Bold and fresh, vitality flows through the 67 lithographs that he produced.

Two rocks on the summit, Mount Wellington
from Australian landscape
1977 Port Jackson Press, Sydney
soft-ground etching, printed in brown on paper

Purchased 1978 © Alan and Jancis Rees

Cliff face, Central Australia
from Australian landscape
1977 Port Jackson Press, Sydney
soft-ground etching, printed in brown on paper

Purchased 1978 © Alan and Jancis Rees

North western Tasmania
from Australian landscape
1977 Port Jackson Press, Sydney
soft-ground etching, printed in brown on paper

Purchased 1978 © Alan and Jancis Rees

Illawarra landscape
from Australian landscape
1977 Port Jackson Press, Sydney
soft-ground etching, printed in brown on paper

Purchased 1978 © Alan and Jancis Rees

A Tasmanian mountain
from Australian landscape
1977 Port Jackson Press, Sydney
soft-ground etching, printed in brown on paper

Purchased 1978 © Alan and Jancis Rees