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Sidney Nolan and Ned Kelly Begin lesson

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  • Sidney Nolan

    Click on the hot spots to find out more information about this painting.
  • The story of Ned Kelly

    Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly series tells a narrative of the main events in the story of Ned Kelly's life. Talk to a partner about who is depicted and what is happening in each painting. Three Sidney Nolan paintings, one of a landscape and two of his altercations with police officers
  • The story of Ned Kelly

    Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly series tells a narrative of the main events in the story of Ned Kelly's life. Talk to a partner about who is depicted and what is happening in each painting. Three Sidney Nolan paintings, depicting escapades from his time as a bushranger
  • The story of Ned Kelly

    Written by Janeen Brian and Illustrated by Matt Adams.
  • The story of Ned Kelly

    Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly series tells a narrative of the main events in the story of Ned Kelly's life. Label each work of art to show the sequence of events.
    • {{ a.imgAlt }}
  • Sidney Nolan

    Ned Kelly 1946 - An introduction to 20th century Australian art
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    Multiple choice

    Read the questions and choose from the possible responses.
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  • The main ingredients of Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly series

    In 1961, Sidney Nolan told the writer Colin MacInnes that the main ingredients of the Kelly series were 'Kelly's own words, and Rousseau, and sunlight'.

    This characteristically sums up his engagement with:

    1. Australian history
    2. Australian landscape and
    3. European modern art

    These 'ingredients' led Nolan to create his iconic Ned Kelly paintings.

    The trial 1947
  • Kelly's own words

    Use the words below to complete the close passage.
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  • Rousseau

    Nolan admired the 19th century French naïve painter Henri Rousseau.

    As a young artist, Nolan was passionate about everything French: its poetry, paintings and culture.

    Nolan had access to the works of French artists in magazines and catalogues whilst living with John and Sunday Reed in their home at Heide.

    However, Nolan did not, imitate their works. He developed his own style based on a principle of direct vision and intuitive execution.

    Decorative image of painting of Ned Kelly on trial in court The trial 1947
  • Rousseau

    Drag and drop the words that describes Nolan's painting style.
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  • Rousseau

    Compare and contrast Nolan's paintings
    (use the elements of art as guidance: line, shape, form, space, texture, colour).
    Painting of a bleak, barren landscape Landscape 1947
    Painting of an altercation between the Kelly gang and the police Stringybark creek 1946
  • Sunlight

    In 1948, Nolan wrote that the Kelly saga was 'a story arising out of the bush and ending in the bush'. What does he mean by this?
    Painting of Ned Kelly atop his horse in the outback Click & drag to zoom in
    Ned Kelly 1946
  • Sunlight

    Use Nolan's style of painting to create your own interpretation of his 'Ned Kelly 1946' painting.
    Painting of Ned Kelly atop his horse in the outback Click & drag to zoom in
    Ned Kelly 1946
  • Extension activity

    Drag and drop each significant event listed below along the timeline.
    • {{ date }}

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    Post-lesson pop quiz

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