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Gela Nga-Mirraitja Fordham Wainburranga 1933 – 2006
Rembarrnga people
Goannas, snakes, fish, birds 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Andrew Marrgululu 1959
Marrangu people
'Salmon', fork-tailed catfish 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Jimmy Moduk 1942
Marrangu people
Yarrpany story 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Jimmy Mamalunhawuy 1934 – 1992
Gupapuyngu people
Barracuda, Yalur, sea snakes, sea urchins 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Billy Black Durrgumba
Murrungun people
Rifle fish and barracuda 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Neville Nanytjawuy 1942 – 1998
Liyagalawumirr people
Fish, caterpillars, yams 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Jimmy Moduk 1942
Marrangu people
File snake, yam 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

David Malangi Daymirringu 1927 – 1999
Manharrngu people
King brown snake, blue tongued lizard, spear 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

David Malangi Daymirringu 1927 – 1999
Manharrngu people
Murrayana, hollow log, white berry bush, yam, vine leaves 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Joe Patrick Birriwanga
Rembarrnga people
Tortoise, frogs and snakes 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Roy Riwa 1929 – 1995
Malarra people
Barracuda, Yalur, sea urchins, python 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Jimmy Moduk 1942
Marrangu people
Blackfish, salmon catfish 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Gela Nga-Mirraitja Fordham Wainburranga 1933 – 2006
Rembarrnga people
White Rainbow Serpent and snakes 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Dorothy Djukulul 1942
Ganalbingu people
Pythons/rarrk 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Jimmy Wululu 1936 – 2005
Gupapuyngu people
Eel tailed catfish 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Jimmy Wululu 1936 – 2005
Gupapuyngu people
Herringbone design 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Don Gundinga 1941 – 1989
Marrangu people
Eel-tailed catfish, blackfish, gasfish 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Jimmy Wululu 1936 – 2005
Gupapuyngu people
Eel tailed catfish and tortoise 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Gela Nga-Mirraitja Fordham Wainburranga 1933 – 2006
Rembarrnga people
Five fish and two serpents 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

Terry Mangapal 1967
Malarra people
Butterflies, yams, goannas 1987-88
Purchased with the assistance of funds from National Gallery admission charges and commissioned in 1987

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