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Ernst L. Kirchner 1880 – 1938
Sitzende Tanzerin [Dancer sitting] 1915
From the Anthony R. Berg family gift to the National Gallery of Australia 1994

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff 1884 – 1976
Jünger [Disciple] 1918
Purchased 1983

Louis Marcoussis 1878 – 1941
Le Comptoir [Bar] c.1920
Purchased 1979

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff 1884 – 1976
Christus unter den Frauen [Christ among the women] 1919
Gift of Mrs Lieselott Man, in memory of her husband, Felix 1988

Erich Heckel 1883 – 1970
Männerbildnis [Portrait of a man] 1919
Purchased 1991 with the assistance of Tony Berg

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Ansager [Announcer] 1923
Purchased 1980

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Teil der Schaumaschinerie als Titelblatt [Part of the display machinery] 1923
Purchased 1980

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Neuer [New man] 1923
Purchased 1980

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Angstliche [Anxious] 1923
Purchased 1980

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Posten [Sentinel] 1923
Purchased 1980

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Alter [Kopf 2 Schritt hinten] [Old man (Head two paces behind)] 1923
Purchased 1980

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Totengraber [Grave diggers] 1923
Purchased 1980

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Figurinen: Die plastische Gestaltung der elektromechanischen Schau 'Sieg uber die Sonne' [Figurines: The plastic realisation of the electro- mechanical show "Victory over the sun"] (title page) 1923
Purchased 1980

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Sportsmanner [Sportsmen] 1923
Purchased 1980

El Lissitzky 1890 – 1941
Zankstifter [Trouble maker] 1923
Purchased 1980

Gustav Klucis 1895 – 1938
Constructivist design (tower, viewed from below) 1921-22
Purchased 1980

Georges Braque 1882 – 1963
Verre et fruit (Glass and fruit) (1921)
Felix Man Collection, Special Government Grant 1972

Wassily Kandinsky 1866 – 1944
Kleine Welten I [Small worlds I] 1922
Gift of Tony and Carol Berg in honour of the National Gallery of Australia's 25th Anniversary 2007

Max Beckmann 1884 – 1950
Frauenbad [Women's bath house] 1922
The Poynton Bequest 2008

Wassily Kandinsky 1866 – 1944
Kleine Welten XII [Small worlds XII] 1922
Purchased 1988

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