ABC RN competition:
The National Gallery of Australia (NGA) is pleased to partner with RN to offer listeners the opportunity to visit the nation's capital and attend Gold and the Incas: Lost worlds of Peru.
Lucky RN listeners from around Australia, one from each state and territory and their guest, will be treated to an exclusive experience at the Gold and the Incas exhibition alongside RN's The Science Show presenter Robyn Williams on Thursday 13 March 2014.
The prize includes return flights to Canberra from the nearest capital city*, one night accommodation for two people*, a guided tour of Gold and the Incas with the Senior Curator of International Painting and Sculpture at the National Gallery, and curator of the exhibition Christine Dixon, drinks and canapés at The Sculpture Bar as well as a prize pack including: NGA membership, an exhibition catalogue and merchandise.
*Please note flights and accommodation will not be part of the prize for the ACT winner.
Science journalist and broadcaster Robyn Williams presents RN's The Science Show and Ockham's Razor. Although he graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in England, Robyn admits to spending as much time acting as studying. Early in his career he made guest appearances in The Goodies, Monty Python's Flying Circus and Doctor Who, and stood in for Tom Jones for four months in his TV series.
He has conducted countless interviews with scientists on ABC TV on programs such as Quantum and Catalyst, narrated the Nature of Australia series and appeared in World Safari with David Attenborough. Outside the ABC, Robyn has served in various capacities, including president of the Australian Museum Trust, chairman of the Commission for the Future, and president of the Australian Science Communicators. In 1987, he was proclaimed a National Living Treasure. Robyn has written more than 10 books, the latest being a novel, 2007: a true story waiting to happen.
For the opportunity for you and a friend to win simply answer the following question:
If you were to create an artwork representing the "lost world of 20th century Australia" what would it be and why?
For more information and to enter click here.
Entries close at 23:59 on Sunday 2 March 2014.