Judy Watson
Since the late 1970s certain aspects of my work have focused on massacres of Aboriginal people. the names of places is an ongoing investigation into this subject. The video work spools place names of massacre sites across maps of Australia and previous images of my artworks like credits in a movie. Greg Hooper composited the images and created the haunting sound work, and Jarrard Lee edited the video. A website for the names of places will collect and update place names of massacre sites for public access and memory retrieval of this forgotten phase of our shared history.
Photo: Sharon Hickey

Judy Watson
(Waanyi people)
the names of places 2016
Purchased 2017 in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum

Judy Watson
(Waanyi people)
pale slaughter 2015
© Judy Watson/Copyright Agency Purchased 2017 in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum
Search for works by this artist in the national collection.

Judy Watson (Waanyi people)