Sebastian Arrow
I am from the Yawuru language group near Broome, Western Australia and have lived in this area most of my life. The well-known senior lawman and artist Aubrey Tigan was my mentor, together with archaeologist Kim Ackerman. With their guidance I uncovered and was given an insight into how to produce and hunt out artefacts from my ancestral lands (Roebuck Bay). I have a powerful cultural connection to these items; they give me a strong sense of pride and cultural identity.
I am now able to produce some of the old local law designs and trading designs that Aubrey passed on, to continue the extraordinary artwork on pearl shell known as riji. Engaging in riji carving has allowed me to access a sanctuary for my thoughts within a deeply ingrained cultural practice that is directed by ancestral visitation formed by voice and vision.
My art is not just something about me; it encompasses a large history. I am aware that every mark is weighted with significance, of what it is to be part of a community and carry culture forward. These are the tangible links to my ancestry other than my genetic lineage and they evoke powerful feelings of connectedness and belonging.
Photo: courtesy Short St Gallery, Broome

Sebastian Arrow
(Yawuru people)
Riji - Tribe design 2016
Courtesy of the artist and Short St Gallery

Sebastian Arrow
(Yawuru people)
Riji - Tribe design 2016
Purchased 2017 in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum

Sebastian Arrow
(Yawuru people)
Lacepede Shell Patches 2016
Courtesy of the artist and Short St Gallery

Sebastian Arrow
(Yawuru people)
Arlingoon 2016
Purchased 2017 in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum

Sebastian Arrow
(Yawuru people)
Jalinyi 2016
Purchased 2017 in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum
Search for works by this artist in the national collection.

Sebastian Arrow (Yawuru people)