Rusty Peters
Looking at those old people, my bother and uncle, seeing them painting—I bin thinking, I might do painting myself. That’s when I started to paint my Country. I didn’t want to paint someone else’s Country—I might get sick. I paint for my mother and grandfather’s Country. I bin ask Rover (Thomas), what you painting for? Him and those old people got me thinking and today I keep going, painting my Country, Ngarrangkarni (Dreamtime stories), for my father and grandmother’s Country, where I was born, the trees, milky way, all them things.
Photo: Nicole Foreshew

Rusty Peters
(Gija people)
Darrajayin 2016
Courtesy of the artist and Warmun Art Centre.

Rusty Peters
(Gija people)
Manambarram 2013
Purchased 2013. This acquisition has been supported by David Paul in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum.

Rusty Peters
(Gija people)
Three Nyawana in Yariny country 2016
Courtesy of the artist and Warmun Art Centre.
Search for works by this artist in the national collection.

Rusty Peters (Gija people)